Home NEWS Local News Kiunjuri: No leader can impose self as Mt. Kenya kingpin

Kiunjuri: No leader can impose self as Mt. Kenya kingpin

Lawmaker says no leader from Mt Kenya can claim to have singlehandedly helped President William Ruto win the support of the region’s residents in 2022.


Laikipia East Member of Parliament Mwangi Kiunjuri added his voice to the ongoing debate over the battle for political supremacy in the Mt. Kenya region.

The lawmaker maintains that any leader from Mt. Kenya seeking to wrestle political control to become the region’s number one cannot do so by threatening or coercing others into submission. He insists that right can only be earned.

“Usikuje hapa kutugawanya kama watu wa Mt Kenya region kwa sababu wewe unataka kuwa kiongozi wetu kwa nguvu. Eti unataka kuwa kingpin na kiongozi akikataa mambo yako lazima upigane naye. Respect is important. Intimidation cannot work,” said Kiunjuri

The outspoken MP at the same time noted that William Ruto was voted for overwhelmingly by the people from the region to become President and as such does not need express authority from any other leader to visit the area and engage the residents.

“Wakati William Samoei Ruto alikuja (Mlima Kenya) kuomba kura, alikuja pekee yake, akajitafutia kura na hakuna hata mmoja wetu anaweza ringa eti ni yeye alitafutia William Ruto kura. Watu walikuwa wameamua kura yao ni ya Ruto,” Kiunjuri argued

“Wakazi wa Mt. Kenya region hawajasema eti William Ruto lazima aletwe Mt Kenya na mtu fulani. Rais Ruto ako na haki kuingia na kutembea Mt Kenya region vile alikuja akaomba kura kwa wananchi bila ruhusa ya mtu yeyote,” the legislator reiterated

He warned political leaders against sowing seeds of discord in Mt Kenya, especially by inciting the public to issues that he described as non-existent. He said if anyone feels that the head of state has done things that have benefited other regions at the expense of Mt. Kenya he or she should come out openly and prove the same. Kiunjuri insists the region has benefited from major programmes being implemented by the Kenya Kwanza administration.

“Kuna viongozi wanajaribu kuwagawanya Wakenya kwa misingi ya kikabila. Hata hapa eneo la Mlima Kenya wameanza kugawanyisha watu. Hiyo siasa ikome,” he charged

“Rais tulimpatia kazi yake. Kama wewe una malalamishi ya watu wa Mt Kenya, uje utuambie kama kiongozi malalamishi ya watu wa Mlima Kenya ni gani. Useme Rais amewafanyia nini watu wa maeneo mengine na hajawafanyia watu wa Mt Kenya,” he said
