Migori Woman Rep asks for positive competition in gender parity

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Migori Woman Representative Ms. Fatuma Mohammed

Migori Woman Representative Ms. Fatuma Mohammed has encouraged positive competition in all sectors to strengthen the voices of women in the Kenyan workforce.

Fatuma who spoke in a caucus at one of the hotels in Migori town that brought various women in Migori County noted that the Kenya Women Parliamentary Association (KWOPA) aims to unite both women in parliament and outside parliament to promote their welfare.
KWOPA also works to promote and protect democracy and advocate for women’s rights as well as inclusive political party governance.

Fatuma said that Kenyan women were facing enormous challenges ranging from Gender-Based Violence (GBV), teenage pregnancies, early marriages, Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) as well as fighting for a voice in leadership positions.

She said that women were not in a competition with men for any leadership voices and spaces but all they want is to fight for is gender equality and equal treatment and rights that their gender counterparts enjoy.

The legislature defiled all the odds to be elected as an Independent candidate in the 2022 general elections; making her the first Woman Representative MP to be elected in the Nyanza Region which is heavily dominated by the Orange Democratic Movement Party (ODM).

She encouraged men to be on the lead to uplift women to equalize society positively in order to contribute to the growth of society.

She, however, urged Migori parents to take care of their young once this December holiday to help minimize the new HIV infections and the Mother to Child Transmissions that hinder the progress of women in society.

Migori County remains one of the top five counties in Kenya with a high HIV prevalence rate of 10.4 percent with heavy HIV burden left for women to bear.

Kegan Mwangi from KWOPA who accompanied Fatuma explained that the association aims to support women in the parliament in executing their mandate including legislation, oversight, and representation.

Mwangi affirmed that KWOPA will be in solidarity to promote the 16 days of activism against gender-based violence in the county to advocate for the rights of all women.

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