Reprieve for 42,000 children at risk of hunger in Isiolo

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Child Welfare Society of Kenya has rolled out an emergency intervention in six wards

At least 42,000 children from vulnerable households in Bulapesa, Burat, Oldonyiro, Chari, Kinna and Garbatula wards of Isiolo County have benefitted from a food intervention courtesy of a community support program rolled out by the Child Welfare Society of Kenya (CWSK).

According to Child Welfare Society of Kenya Programme Manager, Mary Thiong’o, the move is aimed at retaining children who are at risk of facing hunger comfortably in their respective homes, especially during the current holiday season.

The food aid, totalling 216 tonnes of cereals which includes maize, green grams, cowpeas and rice was distributed to 6,000 households across the six wards, with 1,000 benefitting households from each of the targeted wards.

She said that the organization prioritizes addressing matters relating to child protection for those under 18 years against any risks that could hinder their development, including care of victims of early pregnancies through counselling services.

Other programmes by the agency under the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection include child-centred emergency response whenever they are in danger,  school feeding plans,  facilitation and provision of alternative families for children in need of special care and protection through adoption, foster care and guardianship and enabling young mothers, abandoned children to pursue their education undeterred.

Beneficiaries from the needy homes across the six wards lauded the initiative, terming it as very timely since most families were struggling to afford meals, bearing in mind the current tough economic times.


Photos by Bruno Mutunga

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