Home NEWS County News 18 County First Ladies meet with Pastor Dorcas Rigathi

18 County First Ladies meet with Pastor Dorcas Rigathi

Pastor Dorcas Rigathi (centre in red) takes a group picture with the county first ladies whom she hosted in Karen. Photo/OSDP

18 County First Ladies held a meeting with the spouse of the Deputy President Pastor Dorcas Rigathi in Karen on Wednesday to discuss ways to cascade the programs of the vulnerable to different counties in Kenya.

Pastor Dorcas said she could not reach all the vulnerable in the country, but with the partnership and collaboration of the first ladies, many others would be impacted positively.

“I cannot do the work by myself, but when we work together, and engage your networks, government ministries and departments, we shall reach many,” said Pastor Dorcas.

Among those present included the Chair of the County First Ladies Association (CFLA) Allamitu Jattani (Marsabit), Emily Nyaribo (Nyamira), Bishop Saline Barchok (Bomet), Dr.Emily Chesire (Baringo), Madina Ali Issack (Mandera), Habiba Galgalo (Isiolo), Lilian Ekamais (Turkana), and Anne Wamatangi (Kiambu).

Mary Kangata (Muranga), Anita Mutula (Makueni), Beverlyne Lelelit (Samburu), SalinaSamoei Bii (Uasin Gishu), and Dr Margaret Makelo (Bungoma), Scovia Kachapin(West Pokot), Fionnah Kiprotich (Elgeyo Marakwet), Grace Wakahora (Laikipia), Agnes Ochillo (Migori), and Janet Sayo (CFLA Secretariat).

Pastor Dorcas said if initiatives like the Wajane Cup (widows) and PWDs Cup were began, they would empower those vulnerable, and give them the confidence to step out of hiding, for their talents and abilities exposed to the world.

“When we rise as mothers and show love to our children, and the vulnerable, those in addictions will change, and I have seen them change through community-based rehabilitation. We are the transformative agents,” said Pastor Dorcas.

Dr. Chesire said empowering the boy child would reduce cases of irresponsible pregnancies and HIV/AIDS in the country.

“When we go in the direction Her Excellency Pastor Dorcas is talking about, we shall change the narrative in our country in terms of gender-based violence, and HIV/AIDS,” said Dr. Chesire.

FL Bungoma, Dr. Makelo said the speech by Pastor Dorcas had challenged them on the endless opportunities of transformation within their communities.

“We can go out there and do something with the little resources we have around us. You (Pastor Dorcas) have charged us, and challenged us,” said Dr Makelo.

The Chair, FL Jattani said the first ladies had heard the clarion call of Pastor Dorcas in dignifying the lives of the vulnerable.

FL West Pokot, Ms Kachapin said she was working with people with disabilities, and though they had assisted them with assistive devices, the county had a challenge of enough schools for those with disabilities.

FL Bomet, Ms Barchok said the agenda of the boy child would cut across all the counties.

FL Turkana, Ms Ekamais said she had a shamba for those with disabilities and was working towards establishing a learning facility for the empowerment of PWDs. She was also working with widows through the church.

FL Laikipia, Ms Wakahora said, “We are proud to be united and partner with your programs lest we lose our nation, altogether.”
