Home NEWS Local News 77pc of Kenyans optimistic the economy will improve in 2024-Infotrak

77pc of Kenyans optimistic the economy will improve in 2024-Infotrak


In a recent survey conducted by Infotrak on the 18th and 19th of this month, 77per cent of Kenyans expressed hope for an improved economy in 2024.

The study, encompassing respondents from all 47 counties and eight regions, highlights various aspects of optimism.

According to the findings, 22% believe the country will witness continued development, while 13% are confident in the continuity of peace. Business prospects also contribute to positive sentiments, with 10% expecting improvement, and 8% anticipating enhanced personal finances. Additionally, 5% expressed optimism about ample food availability.

Regional breakdowns reveal varying degrees of optimism. North Eastern leads with 53% expecting a better 2024, followed by Central Kenya at 35%. The Eastern region is third with 34%, while Rift Valley lags behind at 30%. Coastal residents stand at 26%, Western region at 24%, and Nyanza exhibits the lowest optimism at 16%.

The survey, sampling 1,500 respondents, represents the adult Kenyan population above 18 years, with a sampling frame designed using population proportionate to size (PPS) based on the 2019 census.

The collective sentiment paints a hopeful picture for the nation’s economic trajectory in the coming year.

