Home NEWS Local News 8 Kenya Ports Authority officials arraigned over graft

8 Kenya Ports Authority officials arraigned over graft


Eight Kenya Ports Authority Officials appeared before the Mombasa Anti-Corruption Court on Wednesday facing six corruption related charges over 62 million shillings tender.

The suspects, who appeared before Chief Magistrate Alex Ithuku, included KPA Civil Engineering department Senior Clerical Officer, Robert Bosuben, Chemiso East Africa Account signatory Rose Cherotich and the authority’s agents Idd Arube Nanyang and Azenath Kwamboka Mageto.

Others include former KPA head of procurement and supplies, Yobesh Oyaro, KPA tender evaluation committee members David Angwenyi, Norah Mugambi and Athanase Wambari.

The accused persons were charged with fraudulent acquisition of public property contrary to Section 45(1) (a) as read with section 48 of the Anti-corruption and Economic Crimes Act, 2003.

The accused were also charged with conflict-of-interest contrary to Section 42 (3) as read with section 48 of Anti-Corruption and Economic Crimes Act No. 3 of 2003.

They were also charged with money laundering contrary to Section 3(a)(i) as read with Section 16 of the proceeds of crime and Anti-Money Laundering Act, No.9 of 2009 and obtaining a contract from public institution by false pretense contrary to section 313 of the Penal Code.

The accused also faced forgery charges contrary Section 348 as read together with Section 349 of the Penal Code and uttering false documents contrary to Section 353 of the Penal Code.

The suspects pleaded not guilty to the charges and prayed to be released on a reasonable bond term. The prosecution through Principal Prosecution Counsel Alex Gituma and Prosecution Counsel Yassir Mohamed did not object the release of the suspects on bond.

In his ruling, Ithuku granted varied bond terms to the suspects with Bosuben, Cherotich, Nanyang and Mageto being released on a 2 million shillings bond with one surety of similar amount or an alternative cash bail of 500,000 shillings.

Ithuku further released Oyaro, Angwenyi, Mugambi and Wambari on a 1 million shillings bond with one surety of similar amount or alternative cash bail of 100,000 shillings. Ithuku further summoned another tender evaluation committee member David Arika, who has since retired from KPA.

He was directed to appear before the court on 7 February 2024 during a pre-trial conference when the defense will be supplied with witness statements and other evidence in readiness for trial.



