Home NEWS Local News Murang’a County to increase water coverage to over 90pc

Murang’a County to increase water coverage to over 90pc


The Murang’a County government has embarked on an elaborate plan to work with local water firms and increase water coverage to more than 90pc.

Governor Irungu Kang’ata Thursday said all five water firms in the county have agreed to transfer their ownership to the county administration thus giving the devolved unit an opportunity to channel resources to the companies and increase water connections.

Speaking in Mugethu area, Kambiti ward, the governor noted that water coverage in the county currently stands at 65pc.

He confirmed that already two water firms, Murang’a Water and Sanitation Company (MUWASCO) and Gatanga Community Water have transferred their ownership to the county administration.

During the occasion, Kang’ata launched the Maragua Ridge water project set to benefit more than 10,000 residents.

MUWASCO managing director, Engineer Daniel Ng’ang’a, said the project which began a month ago will cost around Ksh. 345 million.

He said so far, 200 homesteads and 10 public institutions have been connected.
