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CS Kindiki urges leaders to engage in peaceful politics


Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki has asked the political class from both divides to engage in peaceful politics devoid of violence.

Speaking in Embu, CS Kindiki maintained the Government has no problem with diverse political opinions and persuasions.

“All talks or discussions in the Country must be anchored on one fundamental principle; there will never be violent politics in this Country. All political parties in the Country, whether pro or anti Government, must commit to peaceful politics,” he said

The Interior Cabinet Secretary asserted that the Government would not tolerate politicians who use their rights to cause mayhem and anarchy while violating the rights of other citizens through violent protests that lead to death, injury and destruction of private and public property.

Kindiki was accompanied by Embu Governor Cecily Mbarire, Senator Alexander Mundigi, MPs John Mukunji, Eric Muchangi, Geoffrey Ruku, Principal Secretary for Public Health and Standards Mary Muthoni.
