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Nutritionists advocating for policy review for working breastfeeding mothers


Nutritionists are advocating for a policy review to incorporate flexibility for working breastfeeding mothers to ensure their babies consume breast milk exclusively for six months.

The experts want lactation stations established in working places for the easy realization of the initiative.

Speaking during a media sensitization on workplace support for breastfeeding mothers, Director of Nutrition and Dietetics services in the Ministry of Health Veronica Kirogo noted that there was a drop of one percent in breastfeeding mothers according to a demographic health survey.

At the same time, Laura Kiige a Nutritionist support officer from the United Nations children’s Fund (UNICEF) highlighted the benefits of breastfeeding and its impacts on children’s survival.

The calls come as Kenya joins the global community in commemorating the World breastfeeding week which kicks-off Wednesday to 7th of August.
