Home NEWS County News German group establishes East Africa’s biggest water pumps assembling plant in Kenya

German group establishes East Africa’s biggest water pumps assembling plant in Kenya


Water Cabinet Secretary Alice Wahome presided over the grand opening of the Wilo East Africa Assembling plant in Nairobi.

The Wilo Group is a multinational technology group and one of the world’s leading premium suppliers of pumps and pump systems for building services, water management and the industrial sector.

CS Wahome said she recognizes that the private sector has a pivotal role to play in complementing the efforts of the government and other stakeholders.

The Cabinet Secretary further expressed optimism that introduction of such plants will be a game-changer in the journey toward efficient water management.

“By partnering with companies like Wilo, Kenya is not only revolutionizing water services but also stimulating economic growth and job creation,” she said

Wilo group is already collaborating with Nakuru water service providers on an ongoing energy performance project.

“Through the replacement of old pumps, this project aims to reduce the utility’s energy bill significantly, translating into cost savings that can be reinvested into further improvements in water infrastructure and services,” said the CS

Wahome says the establishment of a training center within Wilo East Africa’s assembly plant, providing opportunities for young Kenyans and East Africans, to access training and skill development programs, is a remarkable step towards building a skilled workforce for the water sector.
