Home NEWS Local News Ukambani leaders want clergy included in bi-partisan talks

Ukambani leaders want clergy included in bi-partisan talks

Kitui East Member of Parliament Nimrod Mbai

A section of leaders from the Ukambani region now want to be included in the region’s economic bloc famously known as the South-Eastern  Kenya Economic Block (SEKEB).

Led by Kitui East legislator Nimrod Mbai the leaders said membership must involve all elected leaders in the region to hasten the implementation of development projects.

Speaking during a funds drive at Ikulu Baptist church in Machakos, the leaders vowed to put aside their political party affiliations.

The leaders who are pushing to be included in the region’s economic bloc famously known as the South-Eastern Kenya Economic Block (SEKEB) said it will be much easier to push for development as an umbrella than with governors only.

At a separate function, Matungulu Mp Stephen Mule said they were advocating for the unity of the Kamba Community under the SEKEB umbrella to avoid a situation where their region does not enjoy the national cake.

At the same time, the leaders called for the clergy to be included in the bi-partisan committee talks between the Kenya Kwanza and the Azimio Alliance groups.

The southern-Eastern Kenya economic block was established by the governors to steer development agendas, marketing the block as a key investment, infrastructure development, and inter-connectivity of the region.

Report by Timothy Kipnusu
