Home NEWS County News State pledges to facilitate training of doctors to handle mental health

State pledges to facilitate training of doctors to handle mental health


Health Cabinet Secretary Susan Nakhumicha has pledged to set up structures that will facilitate the training of doctors to handle mental health patients in the country.

Speaking after visiting Nairobi’s Mathari Hospital, Nakhumicha acknowledged that the shortage of mental health doctors was a contributing factor to increased mental health cases.

The CS also committed to constitute a task force that will reach out to recovered patients who are still at the hospital on how they will be reunited with their families.

She at the same time promised to consult with the governors on the possibility of having a mental health facility in every county.

Concerns raised by lawmakers that Mathari Hospital has been overstretched by the high number of patients seeking services are among the reasons that prompted the CS to make a visit to the facility Mathari Hospital CEO Julius Ogato confirmed the growing number of male patients suffering from mental health illnesses seeking medical attention at the facility.

“I have come here as part of my routine visit, not only to assess the facility but also to identify ways in which I can further support this institution. I want to express my appreciation to the CEO for the exceptional work being done. It has come to my attention that managing queues has been a challenge due to a shortage of health workers.” Said CS Health Susan Nakhumicha.

Adding that: “I’m pleased to announce that the Public Service Commission has approved recruitment measures, and we will soon be advertising these positions. I commend the dedicated staff at Mathare Hospital for their unwavering commitment to providing quality healthcare services.”
