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President urges Counties to digitize provision of all services


President William Ruto on Wednesday urged County Governors to utilize digital solutions and ICT to help curb corruption.

Speaking during the 10th anniversary of Devolution in Uasin Gishu County, President Ruto said that he made a commitment to good governance and in particular decisive action against graft.

“Many innocent Kenyans are victimized or neglected on a daily basis because of this devolved criminality. Counties must not become drivers of scandal or embezzlement hubs. The people of Kenya deserve better. We must liberate devolution from corruption,” he said.

The Head of State told the County Governors that his administration is ready to work with them closely to digitize their services to have increased revenue.

“It is not going to be business as usual, I want to say this with clarity. It cannot be the case that we lose revenue that we cannot deliver public services because a few people decided to go away with public money. It is not going to happen. Whoever it is, whatever office you occupy, whatever friends you have, it will not be business as usual,” stated the President.

Sending a stern warning to Governors who will be found culpable of embezzling public funds, the President said the Government will treat corruption at all levels of government as a high-priority law enforcement issue requiring expeditious and decisive response

“Regardless of position, office or status, any person implicated in the loss of public funds must encounter the punitive consequences of their actions,” Dr. Ruto said.
