Home NEWS Local News National health facility census: 808 health facilities assessed

National health facility census: 808 health facilities assessed


A total of 808 health facilities have been covered in the ongoing national health facility census which kicked off on Monday.

According to Public Health and Professional Standards Principal Secretary Mary Muthoni, the facilities include 551 dispensaries and clinics, 176 health centers and 81 level 4 hospitals had been covered by close of business Thursday.

According to the PS, the census marks a significant step in enhancing healthcare delivery and planning in Kenya by assessing existing gaps in key resources such as infrastructure, equipment, and health workers in health facilities.

“Data collected from this census will serve as a foundation for evidence-based decision-making within the health sector, including ensuring that the population can access quality healthcare within a reasonable distance and cost. Observed Muthoni.

The goal of the census is to conduct a comprehensive assessment of 15,000 health facilities, capturing essential data that will guide future healthcare policies and strategies and is a collaborative effort, bringing together experts from the Ministry of Health, health professional regulatory agencies, the private sector and County Governments.

The two weeks exercise will run from August 14 to August 25 after which a report will be compiled.
