Home NEWS County News Baringo leaders resolve to unite to bring lasting peace in the region

Baringo leaders resolve to unite to bring lasting peace in the region


Baringo elected leaders have resolved to bury their past political differences and forge unity of purpose as the government continues restoring peace and stability in areas that have been eluded by peace for a long time.

The call was made in Kabartonjo Primary School grounds in Baringo North Sub County during a visit by President William Ruto who was in the county to preside over the issuance of 8,600 title deeds and commissioning Mogotio-Lake Bogoria-Kapkitur-Kisanana-Kamukunji road.

The leaders pointed out that the region which for a long time had been faced with perennial cattle rustling and banditry challenges now enjoys peace and tranquility due to concerted efforts by the government and cooperation from all elected leaders.

Baringo Senator William Cheptumo said as a result of the unity of purpose embraced by the six MPs, MCAs, and the governor peace initiatives have yielded fruits adding that the situation is now different because all leaders have teamed up and are speaking with one voice.

“Our unity is very paramount because in the past our leaders were doing their things separately but nowadays we are working as a team,” he said.

Cheptumo sentiments were shared by Tiaty Member of Parliament (MP) William Kamket who stated that all Baringo leaders have resolved to put their differences aside and unite from the Governor, and Senator up to the leaders at the grassroots for the sake of development.

The political leaders lauded the government for taking decisive action to stamp out the insecurity menace by instituting meaningful interventions that have restored normalcy amongst warring communities in the region.

They said that the measures put in place by the Kenya Kwanza government to solve perennial insecurity like the construction of feeder roads, and the rehabilitation of abandoned classrooms in clash-torn areas by Kenya Defence Forces (KDF) have borne fruits.

Baringo South MP Charles Kamuren in his remarks stated that there is a huge transformation in the area because people who were displaced from their homes are slowly returning to their ancestral lands as schools destroyed by bandits are being rebuilt.

Kamuren accompanied by MPs Joseph Makilap (Baringo North), Joshua Kandie (Baringo Central) and Musa Sirma (Eldama Ravine) said that through the intervention of all stakeholders his constituency hit hard by the attacks is now enjoying peace for the first time after about 19 years.

Sirma noted that out of the existing friendship, local leaders have visited Tiaty Sub County for the first time since they were elected into office.

He stated that the county can now forge ahead due to peaceful coexistence amongst residents because acts of lawlessness had stagnated development in the region.

Governor Benjamin Cheboi who lauded the president for his transformative agenda stated that the titling programme will also offer a lasting solution to the perennial insecurity besides land disputes occasioned by a lack of defined boundaries.

He stated that the county has 40 percent coverage of title deeds and called upon land officials to urgently fast-track surveying and adjudication exercises in the remaining 60 percent for the communities to engage in economic activities and also use the vital documents to secure loans from financial institutions to develop their farms.

On the tour to the county President Ruto was accompanied by cabinet secretaries Zachariah Njeru (Lands and Housing), Kipchumba Murkomen (Roads and Transport), and Simon Chelugui (Cooperatives and Micro and Macro Enterprise) and members of parliament Johana Ngeno (Emurua Dikir) and Ndindi Nyoro (Kiharu) and principal secretary for Lands and Physical Planning Nixon Korir.

