Home Business NCBA unveils sustainability commitments with focus on climate change

NCBA unveils sustainability commitments with focus on climate change

Silvanus Wambua, Sales Manager, Retails and fleet Caetano taking John Gachora, NCBA Group MD through the EV charging demo during the NCBA sustainability commitments unveil.

NCBA Group Friday committed to mobilise Ksh 30 billion for green and sustainable financing by 2030.

The commitment sets the stage for NCBA in preparation for the Africa Climate Week (ACW) 2023 that will take place on 4-8 September 2023 in Nairobi.

The group has identified sustainability as one of its priorities and has set 15 ambitious
commitments by 20230; notably to grow 10 million trees through strategic partnerships
with private actors and government, fully eliminate single use plastic, ensure 100pc
waste recycling, green its supply chain and investing significantly in deploying EV
charging stations across the region.

Speaking during the unveil, NCBA Group Managing Director John Gachora noted
that the bold commitment will catalyze the Group action towards a Greener & More
Sustainable Future.

“Sustainability is not a new concept to the NCBA group, as a brand we have always
lived by the premise that our license to operate comes from the communities we
serve. Our enhanced and bolder commitments recognize that climate change is a
significant and pressing challenge not only globally but also locally… one only has to
observe the effects the drought has had on the country’s economy to appreciate the
urgency in taking action.” he said.

To begin, the bank will complete a group-wide carbon audit this year and has set a
50pc reduction target in its direct emissions by 2030. This target will be complemented
by commitments to reduced its financed emissions to align with the 2015 Paris

The Group recognizes, that catalyzing change begins with empowering the public
and its customers with knowledge on how to take action. As such, the Group has committed to investing in building a “Change the Story” knowledge digital platform
and mobilizing the bank’s over 3,000 strong staff to drive the initiative in their
respective communities. The Group will drive community engagement, by deploying
over Ksh 100 million annually to support this initiative.

Gachora said “Beyond the climate change agenda, the Group has committed to
steering at least 30pc of its general services procurement spend to women and youth
to further promote diversity and inclusion at all levels of its operations.”

To demonstrate its commitment and objective to be held accountable by the public,
the Group on Friday signed up to the UN Global Compact and will report annually on its
progress towards these commitments Gachora closed by stating, “I urge all of us to take up the call of Changing the Story and recognizing that a sustainable future starts by doing good today.”
