Home NEWS Local News Kenya is where humanity began, says Ruto

Kenya is where humanity began, says Ruto

President William Ruto during the official opening of the Africa Climate Summit. PHOTO: Jackson Mnyamwezi.

President William has officially opened the Africa Climate Summit in Nairobi.

Speaking during the opening ceremony on Monday, Ruto noted that humanity began in Kenya and extended a warm welcome to the delegates attending the event.

“A few kilometers from where you are seated scientists discovered and located the earliest remains of man on earth. In other words, this where humanity began,” said Ruto.

“Before you guys went all over the place in Europe, America and Asia and the rest of our continent this is where we all began.Allow me to welcome you home,” he added.

The head of state revealed that the government is looking into doing away with visa requirements for foreigners visiting Kenya.

“In a few months we as Kenyans are considering abolishing any visa requirements, because it is unfair to ask anybody coming home for a visa,” said Ruto.

The President also took the opportunity to inform the delegates of the popular Nairobi National Park.

“Nairobi is a very interesting city on one side, there is a full canopy forest and on the other side we have a wildlife national park,” he said.

“We keep the wildlife in the park because we have a fence but sometimes as nature would be they break away from the fence so while you are doing your morning walk you might encounter a lion, please be careful it is not tamed, it is wild,” he added.

The Africa Climate Summit is scheduled to run from September 4th to 6th, 2023.

At least 20 heads of state and Government are attending the summit to discuss strategies to combat climate change, its devastating effects and forge a way forward.
