Home NEWS Local News COG asserts counties’ readiness to deliver catalyzed low carbon economy, sustainable development

COG asserts counties’ readiness to deliver catalyzed low carbon economy, sustainable development


The Council of Governors (COG) has asserted that County Governments are ready and committed to implement accelerated national and global actions against climate change.

The COG Chairperson, Anne Waiguru, said that subnational governments as envisaged as drivers of transformative service delivery at the local level, are in the forefront to deliver a catalyzed low carbon economy and sustainable development.

Waiguru who is also the governor of Kirinyaga County was speaking at the Africa Climate Summit during the launch of the Long-Term Low Emissions Development Strategies (LT-LEDS), National Climate Change Action Plan (III) 2023-2027, Climate Change (Amendment) Act, 2023 and Financing Locally Led Climate Action (FLLoCA County Grants.

She pointed out that all the County Governments have enacted and implemented the requisite policy and legal climate change frameworks that anchor various processes and structures to galvanize climate action at the local level.

She noted that in the current financial year, the counties have cumulatively allocated from their development budget an approximate of Ksh. 3 billion towards climate action.

Further, they have institutionalized the Ward and Sub-County climate change planning committees that identify, plan and prioritize adaptions and mitigation projects based on their needs to accelerate adaptive capacity and resilience building.

The COG Chair thanked President William Ruto for the Ksh. 7.4 billion FLLoCA grants that were handed over to the counties for implementation of locally led climate action which she said embodies the Kenya Kwanza’s Bottom up transformation approach.

Waiguru emphasized that climate objectives and aspirations will be met through community and countyled projects that include afforestation and reforestation programs aligning with the 15 billion tree growing agenda and clean energy development, integrated water resources management, climate smart agriculture, disaster management, transition to circular economy and climate proofing of county infrastructure among others.

“The launch today brings us together to celebrate the journey towards the envisaged low carbon development pathway by fostering cooperation, collaboration and learning between the National and County Governments, as well as advancing the common goal to green growth and climate finance solutions in Africa and the World. She said.

She also underscored the importance of implementing targeted capacity building initiatives, innovations and knowledge management programs in counties as a way of building strong institutions. “Investing in change data systems, climate vulnerability and resilient index, climate incentives including carbon trading and county financial tracking, monitoring and reporting are crucial drivers to climate sensitive growth and transformation.” Waiguru noted.

She said that the launch of the LT-LEDS, the NCCAP 2023-2027and FLLoCA County Grants was a significant milestone that celebrates a two-level system of governance and a benchmark to African Nations and the globe in the collective journey towards driving green growth and climate finance solutions for Africa and the world.

“Underlying the principle of subsidiarity and borrowing from the bottom-up approach, the synthesized county climate change plans translate into the National Climate Change Action Plan being launched today” she said, noting that the action plan will enable the country to meet the National Determined Contributions that commit to decrease greenhouse gases emissions by 32% by 2030.” Said Governor Waiguru.

She reiterated the County Governments’ commitment to enhanced county planning, budgeting and execution of allocated resources for climate action through actual investments in climate adaptation and mitigation by realigning records within and across sectors to effectively address local needs and aligning them with national priorities for efficient service delivery.

The forum that was hosted by President William Ruto was attended by African Heads of State, representatives from the African Union, Cabinet Secretaries, Principal Secretaries and development partners among others.
