Home NEWS County News Sharp division among Siaya residents over plans to impeach Oduol

Sharp division among Siaya residents over plans to impeach Oduol

Siaya Deputy Governor William Oduol
Siaya Deputy Governor William Oduol

Plans to impeach Siaya Deputy Governor, William Oduol by the local County Assembly has received mixed reactions from the area residents, some of whom are demanding that Governor James Orengo also relinquishes his seat should the impeachment motion sail through.

Speaking at Musunguru grounds in Kadenge Ratuoro, members of the Kadenge clan where Oduol hails from said it was improper for the County Assembly to impeach him simply because he was performing a duty that should have been done by the county law makers who, however, chose to look the other way as things go wrong.

An elder, Paul Olendo said that they will be forced to take to the streets to demand for Orengo’s resignation should the Siaya County Assembly send their son home.

“Orengo will not remain on the seat if Oduol is impeached. He will also have to go” said Olendo who added that as Kadenge clansmen, they gave Orengo sympathy votes because their kinsman was the running mate.

However, Orengo’s supporters from the same Kadenge clan are accusing the deputy governor of fanning trouble by failing to respect his boss.

Kadenge stakeholders’ forum chairman, William Choka Ongwek said antagonism does not solve problems and urged the deputy governor to respect authority.

Ongwek distanced the community from the deputy governor’s actions, saying that the Kadenge clan must not be dragged into the war between him and his boss.

His sentiments were echoed by Fredrick Oluoch Ongaro who said that they were fully behind the governor, adding that Oduol must apologies to both the governor and the county assembly faiure to which he must be impeached.

Siaya County Assembly is set to consider a motion for the impeachment of the deputy governor on Monday, 29th May, 2023 following a notice published in the Kenya Gazette by speaker George Okode.

“Pursuant to standing order number 26 of the County Assembly of Siaya standing orders, and following a resolution by majority of members of the county assembly, it is notifies for the for the information of members of the county assembly and the general public that there will be a special sitting of the county assembly which shall be held in the county assembly chambers, in Siaya on Monday, 29th May, 2023 at 9.30 am for the purposes of: Consideration of motions for the removal of William Oduol, Deputy governor, Siaya county by impeachment” read the gazette notice dated 24th May, 2023.

Last week, East Asembo ward Member of the county assembly, Gordon Onguru gave the notice immediately after the Assembly threw out corruption allegations that the deputy governor had raised against Orengo administration, terming them as unsubstantiated.

The war of words between Oduol and his deputy has been dragging from March this year when he accused his boss of keeping quiet as an alleged syndicate was milking the devolved government dry through corruption.

The erstwhile buddies, who campaigned together under the “Nyalore” (It is possible) manifesto are no longer seeing eye to eye, with Oduol accusing his boss of locking him out of cabinet meetings.

Orengo, through his director of communication, Benjamin Agina has denied the allegations, saying that contrary to the charade, his deputy has been attending the meetings.

Two weeks ago, youths allied to the two engaged in a fist fight that disrupted the funeral of Siaya county public service board chairman, Peter Achoch at Ulafu in the outskirts of town.
