Home NEWS County News Capacity development rolled out for city liquor control and licensing team

Capacity development rolled out for city liquor control and licensing team

Police harassment on liquor businesses, unregulated liquor outlets, noise pollution in residential areas, and the influx of wines and spirits shops within the county were amongst the issues discussed

Maureen Njeri is the CECM Nairobi for Hustler and Business opportunities.

Nairobi City County’s CEC, Business &Hustler Opportunities, Maureen Njeri met with the Sub-County Liquor Licensing committees at a refresher training on the standard operating procedures for liquor licensing.

During the meeting, the CEC reiterated the need for order and dignity in the liquor industry. She reminded the teams that liquor licensing must be done in accordance with the relevant laws.

Police harassment on liquor businesses, unregulated liquor outlets, noise pollution in residential areas, and the influx of wines and spirits shops within the county were amongst the issues addressed in the meeting.

Also represented in the meeting was the Environment department as well as the Public Health Sub sector.

The CEC was accompanied by the CCO Business and Hustler Opportunities, CCO – public health, Liquor Board members, and other county officials.
