Home NEWS Local News Mudavadi vows to protect Kenyans in diaspora, strengthen global diplomacy

Mudavadi vows to protect Kenyans in diaspora, strengthen global diplomacy


Prime Cabinet Secretary and Cabinet Secretary for Foreign and Diaspora Affairs, Musalia Mudavadi has said that Kenya will ensure its people in the diaspora are treated with dignity and respect.

Mudavadi says Kenya will not relent on its efforts to protect her people wherever they are and that the government will deploy its diplomatic tools for this purpose.

“We will not relent in our efforts to ensure that Kenyans are treated with dignity, respect and in accordance with the rule of law, wherever they are; and that they get opportunities they deserve,” said Mudavadi.

He also stated that Kenya believes conduct in Global Affairs reinforces confidence, pride and dignity as a people.

“We have built a Republic that continues to win the respect of our peers globally and this has allowed us to play a more constructive part in the counsels and organised activities of humankind,” he said.

He made the remarks during the handover ceremony at the Office of Prime Cabinet Secretary and Cabinet Secretary for Foreign and Diaspora Affairs at Railway Headquarters in Nairobi.

“We commit that whenever any Kenyan national abroad is in distress, we will not hesitate. We shall deploy our diplomatic tools to ensure the protection of our people,” assured Mudavadi.

He said that the transformative engagement with Kenya’s Diaspora will be guided by the commitment that it is more than just remittances.

“Our engagement will be governed by the principle that Kenyans outside our shores should enjoy their fundamental rights and protection by the Government of Kenya, as they pursue their goals and aspirations within the confines of the laws of host nations,” he stated.

Mudavadi takes over from the incumbent, Alfred Mutua, who has since been moved to the Tourism and Wildlife docket following the re-alignment of Ministries and State Departments to optimize performance and enhance service delivery as set out in his administration’s Manifesto under the Bottom-Up Transformation Agenda (BeTA).

Mudavadi affirmed that he has received a comprehensive brief on the place and conduct of Kenya’s diplomacy, as well as the status of Foreign Policy orientation, which underpins engagements with the rest of the world.

“I take this opportunity express my gratitude to President William Ruto for the confidence he has in me, in bestowing upon me additional responsibilities as the Cabinet Secretary for Foreign and Diaspora Affairs,” he said.

“As I take over this ministry, I am fully aware of the significance of my dual role as the Prime Cabinet Secretary and as the Cabinet Secretary for Foreign and Diaspora Affairs. The two portfolios complement each other appropriately in Kenya’s social-economic, political and security transformational agenda,” he added.

He explained that Kenya’s Foreign Policy is an indispensable component in advancing the country’s economic growth and development agenda.

To this end, he stated that the Foreign Policy will remain anchored and fully aligned to the implementation of Bottom-Up Economic Transformation Agenda (BETA).

On international obligations, he said it is time to accept that being African is also a global responsibility.

In this regard, he said Kenya will continue honouring her international obligations, consistent with the Foreign Policy guidance of the President and also in accordance with Constitutional provisions.

“Our fidelity to a rules-based international order, will remain firm. For us, the principles and objectives of the UN Charter are sacrosanct and offer the best safeguards for all nations, big or small, weak or strong,” Mudavadi explained.

Mudavadi explained that Kenya is a critical player in international relations and has the structure and instruments for resolving any disputes in a manner that protects lives, property and the freedoms.

With the support of the talented and professional Foreign Service Officer Corp in the Ministry, he promised to promote, protect and project Kenya’s interests, globally.

This will entail a new focus of digital diplomacy, where Kenya will transact in realtime, engage with national, regional and global audiences, and promote Kenya’s interests and values in the conduct of foreign policy.

He welcomed officers from the Ministry of Foreign and Diaspora Affairs to the Office of the Prime Cabinet Secretary stating that now this becomes a big family that has to deliver as one.

Mudavadi also wished Dr Alfred Mutua every success in his new assignment at the Tourism and Wildlife docket.
