Home NEWS County News Kiambu Governor under fire as MCAs threaten to impeach him

Kiambu Governor under fire as MCAs threaten to impeach him


A Section Kiambu County Assembly Members have threatened to file a fresh impeachment motion against the Governor Kimani Wamatangi.

Addressing the media on Thursday, the MCAs accused the Kiambu County boss of failing to run the Executive saying he operates the affairs of the County as a lone ranger with little respect as to the importance of County Assembly as far as oversight, transparency and accountability.

The County legislators said they have enough grounds leveled against him and are ready to file the motion.

They issued a 21-day ultimatum to respond to the allegations leveled to him saying failure to which they will not bow down to remove him.

According to the legislators they quoted roads as the bone of contention saying last financial year despite passing of their budget very little improvement of access roads which remain in a sorry state leaving the Constituents with immense difficulty accessing their homes.

Kikiyu Ward MCA Kamau Boro who read the statement said despite the fact that they had a budget of Ksh 1.56 Billion approved for the same by the previous regime with an additional Ksh 1.4 Billion approved by the current Assembly in the supplementary Budget.

He further stated that Kiambu has lost an opportunity of Aggregation Park that has been approved by Trade Minister Rebecca Miano to be built in Murang’a County that could have benefited the people of Kiambu in job creation.

Report by Tom Kimani
