Home NEWS Local News High Court issues orders suspending government services fees review

High Court issues orders suspending government services fees review


The high court has issued conservatory orders suspending the government from implementing fees increase for those seeking various government services.

In a gazzete notice dated 6th November,2023 the government announced a review on fees for those seeking to replace a National Identity card, and application for passports, birth, deaths certificates among other services.

However, Justice Lawrence Mugambi suspended the review pending the hearing and determination of the matter filed by Dr Magare Gikenyi.

“A conservatory order be and hereby issued suspending Gazette notice dated 6th Novermber 2023 and/or any other document purpoting to give authority to increase or review the charges/fees/levies specified therein pending the hearing and determination of this Application inter-partes,” the ruling read in part.

Justice Mugambi further directed that the application together with the petition be served within 3 days and responses be filed and served within 7 days from the date of service.

“If need be, the Applicant/Petitioner may file a rejoinder/further affidavit within 3 days from the date of receipt of responses,” ruled Mugambi.

Treasury Cabinet Secretary Njuguna Ndung’u, Interior Cabinet Secretary Kihure Kindiki, the National Assembly and the Attorney General are respondents in the matter.
