Home NEWS County News City Hall developing new guidelines on management of water, sanitation services

City Hall developing new guidelines on management of water, sanitation services

Nairobi County government says it wants to ensure city residents have access to clean, safe, and adequate water and a reasonable standard of sanitation.


Nairobi City County is working towards laying out a framework and guidelines on the management of water and sanitation services within the City-County with an aim to ensure Nairobi residents have access to clean, safe, and adequate water and to a reasonable standard of sanitation.

A team comprising of Nairobi County Water and Sanitation and Environment Subsectors, County Legal department, County Stakeholder Engagement and Donor Department, and a representative from Water and Sanitation for the Urban (WSUP) International met in Naivasha to review Nairobi City County Policy on Water and Sanitation Services to align it to the National Water Policy 2021, before it is taken back to the Nairobi City County Assembly for approval of the amendments.

The team also worked on aligning the County Water Policy with the proposed County Water and Sanitation Services Bill

Nairobi City County Chief Officer for Water and Sanitation Services Mr Oscar Omoke noted that the Water and Sanitation Services Subsector is in the process of preparing documents that will affect the functions and workings of the water sector in Nairobi.

Omoke said the mandate of the Nairobi Water and Sanitation Subsector is to create policies and ensure the Subsector has instruments that are aligned with the National Water Act 2016.

“We are now in the process of refining the Water and Sanitation Bill 2023 whose intention is to strengthen the instruments of management of the water sector, particularly to ensure that we entrench the functions and operations of Nairobi Water Company to the County for the purpose of oversight and to monitor the management more,” he said

Omoke added; “The Water sector being the key driver of the economy of Nairobi, we want to make sure that the management and strategies we put in place are aligned to the National Water Policy, the National Water Act 2016, and the National Water and Sanitation Act.”

Nairobi County Director for Water and Sanitation Services Mr. Mario Kainga said the Nairobi City County Policy on Water and Sanitation Services aims to facilitate equitable, adequate, and quality access to water and sanitation services in the County.

“The policy also proposes strategies for resource mobilization and partnerships with stakeholders,” said Mr. Kainga.

Mr. Kainga explained that the Water and Sanitation policy was approved by the County Assembly in 2019 and provides guidelines on the management of water and sanitation services within Nairobi through the creation of an institutional framework and also aligns the County Water and Sewerage strategy with the  National policy.

The County Policy on Water and Sanitation Services provides a framework for efficiency in water resources management.

The policy also ensures the security and integrity of water and sanitation systems and defines institutional structures to effectively implement policy.

The County Director for Stakeholder Engagement and Donor Mr. Kefa Omanga was in attendance. Also present was the Project Manager of Water and Sanitation for the Urban  Poor( WSUP) International, Mr. Philip Oruoch.
