Home NEWS Local News 60 men living in Mombasa drug dens enrolled in rehabilitation centres

60 men living in Mombasa drug dens enrolled in rehabilitation centres


60 residents of Mombasa County have been taken from the drug dens for rehabilitation at three rehabilitation and recovery centres in Kwale County.

Pastor Dorcas Rigathi on Friday fulfilled a promise she made to families living in the drug dens of Mombasa County.

The men who are willing to undergo rehabilitation are addicted to alcohol, cocaine, heroin, nicotine, miraa and a cocktail of these and other drugs.

They willingly bid farewell to their families, and Pastor Dorcas, on the second day, visited them at the rehabilitation centres that would house them for the next three months.

She distributed personal effects to the men, that included, toothpaste, soap, shoes, slippers, wash basin, and towel among others, and encouraged them to remain resilient throughout the phases of rehabilitation.

“The life of one child is very important. When I went to the drug dens, they told me many had visited them and promised to help them. They could not even believe me when I said I would bring them food. But that same day, I brought the food, and served them myself. And I went to the dens a second time and brought them a medical camp for screening. And during this third visit, those who went through checkup, have now been admitted to the rehab centre,” said Pastor Dorcas.

She, however, called on more partners from the public and private sector to cater for the high number of those desirous of rehabilitation. “We screened 348 who needed rehabilitation, and we have just taken a fraction this time round,” said Pastor Dorcas.

Having observed how withdrawal takes a toll on those in addictions, Pastor Dorcas encouraged the men to focus on their goal of leading a drug free life.

“Addiction is a disease. And what do we do to someone who is sick? We take them to hospital. So, as parents, let us take our children in addictions, and get them help. I have made a commitment and will do as much as God allows me to remove our children from the drug dens, and base, so they can be great fathers, and we can have a future as a nation, otherwise, we shall regret,” said Pastor Dorcas.

She urged all religions to come together, and in their own unique ways, in the churches, mosques and temples fight the dependency on drugs among the youth, especially boys and men who comprise the highest population of those in addictions.

Kwale Governor Fatuma Achani was with Pastor Dorcas during the events, where they also visited Kombani Rehabilitation Centre, a facility under the county government of Kwale.

“This war against illicit brew was kickstarted by Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua, and before the DP arrives in Kwale, the spouse is here, because as a mother, she knows the pain of addictions,” said Gov. Achani, appreciating the actions of the DP’s spouse.

Gov Achani said it was the responsibility of all in the society to fight addictions and added that the county government was also working towards rehabilitation through the Kombani Rehabilitation Centre. She, however, questioned the access and supply chain of drugs.

“Mbali na kuwa wengi wanakuwa rehabilitated, mbali kuna wengine wanachipuka. Asisi za usalama wanatubwaga. Haya madawa yanaingilia wapi, ambayo hayawezi kuzuiwa? Tusikuwe tunashuka kamba, na wengine wanachoma hapa nyuma. Lazima tusimame wima, na kila mtu akaangalia kazi yake,” said Gov Achani.

The rehabilitation centres are equipped with different sports equipment, and games to aid in the rehabilitation process. The bio-psychosocial spiritual approach is used to realign the men to a life free of psychoactive substances.

One of the centre’s, Eden House, is near the beach, giving the men a serene environment for recovery, and even an opportunity to play games at the oceanside.

Boniface Ndirangu, Director Eden House, confessed to having lived in the streets of Nairobi as an addict. Mr Ndirangu uses his own life story to encourage the men undergoing rehabilitation, that they can also make it. “One day at a time, they shall win this battle,” said Ndirangu.

Ndirangu also appreciated the model adopted by Pastor Dorcas of showing love to those in the streets and addiction, saying that most living in the streets are denied love by even their family members.

“When we lose lives to addictions, it is a loss to all of us, as families and the economy of this country,” said Ndirangu. The recovery process will include input from the interfaith members from the Christian and Muslim faith.

The OSDP has carried out similar rehabilitation programs successfully in Nyeri, Timau, Nairobi, and Limuru and taking the program to the Coast will help alleviate addictions from the Coast, which is heavily laden with drugs, as an entry and exit point for imports and exports.
