Home NEWS County News  Family in anguish after mysterious disappearance of 18 year old son

 Family in anguish after mysterious disappearance of 18 year old son

Jesse James Kamawira left home at around 10 AM to join his friends at the Chosen Generation Church last Sunday.

Jesse James Kamawira left home at around 10 AM to join his friends at the Chosen Generation Church last Sunday.

A family is in anguish after their 18-year-old son, Jesse James Kamawira, mysteriously disappeared on Sunday in Nakuru East Area.

According to his father, James Kamawira, Jesse left home around 10 AM to join his friends at the Chosen Generation Church. The last known sighting of Jesse was at around 8 PM was in the Jomec area, where he parted ways with his friends just moments before the nationwide blackout occurred.

As evening fell, the family contacted Jesse’s friends to determine his whereabouts, only to discover that he had gone missing on his way home.

Describing his son’s attire at the time of disappearance, the boy’s father mentioned that Jesse was wearing a black hoodie with a Ferrari print, rugged grey jeans, and black boots and was riding a blue mountain bicycle.

The family is now urging anyone with information about Jesse’s whereabouts to contact them at the following mobile number: 0722689597.
