Home Sports Football 10 football clubs from Teso South benefit from area MCA kits donation

10 football clubs from Teso South benefit from area MCA kits donation



A total of 10 football clubs from Amukura East Ward,Teso South Sub-County,  Busia County have received pairs of uniforms, football kits and football from are County member of assembly Leonard Onyondo

The teams are taking part in the MCA’s football tournament ‘The Hon Onyondo Cup’ whose final is set for December 27th.

Teams featuring in the tourney have been divided in two zones. Zone A features Aturet, Kochek, Kamunuoit, Akobwait, and Kosera while zone B comprises Kotur, Amukura  Kwangamor, Kidera, and Okisimo and sub locations.

In an opening match, Kakemer FC beat Akobwait 2-0 .

Dan Aja put the County league side ahead after 10 minutes.Carlos Ijaa sealed the win with a second half penalty.

Fans witnessed melodrama when a student Collins Adenya, who sat for his Kenya Certificate of Primary Education exams  this year, was given the honour of officiating the match as a centre referee. His precision and mastery of the rules of the game puzzled many people, with the sky being the limit in his pursuit for national and international honours.

“A part from the uniforms and balls participating teams have received, winners will on the final day also receive trophies and cash tokens. I would have wished to organize a ward league between February and December annually, but financial constraints are the undoing,” said tournament sponsor who also promised to organize a two-week Under-15 youth Cup every February

By Absalom Namwalo






