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Kenya makes progress in international taxation, says Treasury CS


Kenya has made significant progress in international taxation and as a signatory to many international tax activities.

Cabinet Secretary for National Treasury and Economic Planning Professor Njuguna Ndung’u said that the country has been participating in international forums which in turn contributes to development of tax solutions.

He also singled out Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECDs) in the United Nations, and the African Tax Administration Forum and East Africa Revenue Authority as some of the taxation forums the country has been participating among others.

The CS made the remarks in a speech read on his behalf by Principal Secretary (PS) James Muhati during the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) and the International Centre for Tax and Development (ICTD) International Conference at a Nairobi hotel.

The three-day conference-themed ‘Global Tax Governance at Crossroads’ brings together more than 130 researchers and key actors in the sector from around the globe to debate on key issues regarding tax policy and Kenya’s success within the international taxation and emerging issues of developing countries.

