Home NEWS County News We must have a male conversation, Pastor Dorcas says

We must have a male conversation, Pastor Dorcas says

Dorcas Gachagua. Photo/Courtesty
Dorcas Gachagua. Photo/Courtesty

Pastor Dorcas Rigathi has urged religious leaders to take up the role of guiding and counseling the boys who are in drug and substance abuse.

Speaking when she met religious leaders from the Western region in Bungoma town, Pastor Dorcas further called on mothers to rise up to raising boys who will not feel left out of the society.

“As mother we must rise up in bringing up our boy-children. Let them have emotions, let them cry if they must. Teach them how to speak the problems out, because right now we are losing too many. “She said.

“We bring them up, we take them to universities. You sell everything to take them there expecting them to come and help you and the society but they are brought in a casket, because they are not able to handle the pressures of live,” she added.

In her recent visit to Nairobi University Pastor Dorcas noted that at least 55 young men had committed suicide in the institution in the last one year, with many of such cases being attributed to mental illnesses and depression.

“That is why we are saying we must not listen to foreign agenda and philosophies. We have our own culture as Africans and we must maintain it. From where would you get a child from a man sleeping with another man,” she said.

Pastor Dorcas said she will not just pray but will traverse the country speaking about the boy child agenda until the lost boy child is rescued.

She regretted that many parents have brought up their boys showing them a woman to be an object of dishonour.

“How can it be that you expect a boy to respect women while when we bring them up you tell them not to go near their mother, you tell them not to go to the kitchen, you tell them not to cry like their sisters. When they cry you tell them they are crying like women. I think we are asking too much from them,” she said.

Bungoma Governor Ken Lusaka who accompanied pastor Dorcas pledged to support the agenda in his county. Governor Lusaka also called on Kenyans to give the government time to deliver in its promise.

Others present were Bungoma First Lady Margaret Makelo, Deputy Governor Pst Jenepher Mbatiany, Kimilili MP Didmus Barasa and other local leaders.
