Home NEWS Local News MCK condemns scuffle involving journalists in Siaya

MCK condemns scuffle involving journalists in Siaya

MCK CEO David Omwoyo
MCK CEO David Omwoyo

The Media Council of Kenya (MCK) has condemned a public scuffle involving three journalists during an event in Siaya County on Sunday, January 20.

In a statement, the Council’s Chief Executive Officer David Omwoyo noted that the conduct by The Star newspapers Josiah Odanga, K24s Mary Goretty Juma and George Amolo of Royal Media Services is unacceptable and undermines the public trust in the media.

“The Council unequivocally condemns all forms of violence, including those perpetrated by members of the press against their own or on members of the public. Journalists resorting to physical fights and engaging in slander not only jeopardizes their professional credibility but also undermines the principles of responsible journalism.” Said Omwoyo.

He stressed that journalists have a responsibility to conduct themselves with integrity and decorum, even in the face of aggression.

“We encourage all journalists to uphold their commitment to truth, accuracy and objectivity, and to prioritise respectful dialogue and constructive criticism over personal attacks or violence.” Noted Omwoyo.

The Council says it has already investigated the incident and urges the relevant media organisations to equally undertake a comprehensive investigation and take appropriate disciplinary action against those involved.

While acknowledging that the three journalists involved are fully accredited by the council, MCK warned that any journalist engaged in such altercations risk losing registration.

“Any accredited journalists engaged in such altercations risk losing their registration with the Council.” Omwoyo added.

