Home NEWS Local News CJ decries corruption, shoddy works in construction of Mombasa Judiciary building

CJ decries corruption, shoddy works in construction of Mombasa Judiciary building


Chief Justice Martha Koome has raised concerns over what she terms as poor workmanship by a contractor tasked with undertaking the construction of the multi-million shillings Mombasa Justice Towers building.

Koome regretted that public resources paid to the contractor may have gone down the drain after the Judicial Service Commission audit reports raised questions about the status of the Ksh 445 million building.

The four-story building is being constructed on a 3.6-acre parcel of land adjacent to the current court premises built in 1984.

“A team from the JSC audit committee visited the site and wrote a report raising questions against the contractor and the contractor ran away from the site, so we had to engage another contractor who is taking over the building for rectification; there are major structural defects that were identified by the report and of course, legal action will be taken against the contractor, if he was paid money and there is no value for money,” said Koome.

The fact that it has been found to have structural defects, according to the CJ, is even more disappointing especially given that the building was seen as an answer to the problem of infrastructure for the justice system.

“It is demonstrated by the fact that some parts of the building are falling off even before the building has been taken over by the judiciary,” Regretted Koome.

“Unfortunately, we were let down by the contractor, we have not been able to launch it because,” she said
