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Azimio principals meet, promise to strengthen coalition


Azimio la Umoja One Kenya Coalition chief principals met on Tuesday to take stock of the issues and events that currently shape public discourse, including the state of affairs in the opposition alliance.

The leaders who included Raila Odinga (ODM), Martha Karua (Narc Kenya), Eugene Wamalwa (DAP-Kenya), Peter Munya of PNU, and a host of Jubilee leaders led by Jeremiah Kioni and Nderitu Muriithi, resolved to strengthen Azimio and its constituent parties.

“The Coalition partners have been able to agree on fundamental strategies and tactical positions. We agreed that the coalition is only as strong as its constituent parties. The Summit therefore reaffirmed its commitment to the renewal and strengthening of all the constituent parties through various activities including members recruitment drives, delegates’ conferences, PG and NEC meetings,” said the summit leaders in a joint statement

Among other things, the opposition’s top leadership committed all constituent parties to pursue a common programme of action that addresses the challenges the country is going through and that also helps to advance and defend the gains of democracy.

“Azimio remains one and is here to stay; committed to shared values that include accountability and integrity in government, public participation, good governance, respect for the constitution and rule of law, social justice, and non-discrimination,” reiterated the coalition leaders amid reports indicating the top leadership have not been reading from the same script

The leaders who met in Nairobi committed to jointly continue putting pressure on the Kenya Kwanza administration, especially to address the high cost of living.

“Azimio remains extremely disturbed by the worsening cost of living, the ever-rising and reckless taxes, the collapsing national currency, the chaos in the education sector, the tribalism in public service, and the return of mega corruption. The Summit has committed to seek other ways to press the government to listen to the cries of the people,” they said

They also vowed to rally behind actions taken to halt some of the programmes spearheaded by President William Ruto’s government.

“The Housing Levy is a threat to livelihoods and incomes in the same way the plan to unilaterally sell public assets without the participation of the owners; the people of Kenya. We will stand in solidarity with the petitioners in the public litigation cases,” they said

They reiterated that; “Azimio stands for the rule of law and supports the need for an independent and professional Judiciary. Subsequently, we demand that Kenya Kwanza must keep its hands off the Judiciary. We take note of the support expressed by the US government for the Ruto regime to appeal the ruling on the deployment of police to Haiti. It is our hope that all parties shall respect the independence of the Judiciary,”
