Home NEWS County News Huduma Kenya partners with Mombasa Cement in Kibarani

Huduma Kenya partners with Mombasa Cement in Kibarani


Huduma Kenya has extended its partnership with Mombasa Cement with the launch of a 21-day Huduma Mashinani programme targeting 15,000 people in Kibarani, Changamwe Sub-County.

Last year, in December, during the inaugural eight–day Huduma Mashinani at the Kibarani Miracle Park, 5800 people accessed various services that were paid for by the cement firm.  The overwhelming response necessitated the rollout of phase two of the initiative.

Huduma Centre Mombasa Assistant Manager Harrison Yogo said the overwhelming response from Kenyans seeking Identity card (IDs) replacement, Birth Certificate, HELB, NSSF, NHIF and Police Clearance Certificates in the first phase necessitated them to extend the programme in Kibarani.

“Up to now, we have already served 584 people, we are continuing to attend to more people. The number keeps increasing. Most of the services sought are ID replacement, Birth Certificates, Good Conduct, NSSF and NHIF,” said Yogo.

He added some of the documents sought are a requirement for job-seekers as most employers demand them before they hire.

“Mombasa Cement is paying for all the services here; all the services are free including the food. Each service offered here the company has partnered with us and they are making all those payments,” stated Yego.

He further urged other organizations to partner with Huduma Centers across the country to enable Kenyans access government services.

Mombasa Cement Miracle Park feeding program manager Gulam Salim, said the company is catering for all the payments of the services for the people who will be attending the 21 days second phase of Huduma Mashinani Services.

Fernando Bett, who hails from Rift Valley, travelled to the Coastal city to look for employment but the stumbling block was lack of a Good Conduct.

“I heard about the programme from a friend, I have been served, we usually pay 1,050 shillings to acquire a Good Conduct but because of harsh economic times getting that money is a challenge,” said Bett.

Mercy Nekesa, was over the moon after her fingerprints were taken, she is confident that with Good Conduct, she will be able to get employed.

