Home NEWS County News Sakaja orders removal of wines, spirits shops around matatu termini

Sakaja orders removal of wines, spirits shops around matatu termini


Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja on Friday directed the removal of all outlets selling wines and spirits at bus termini

The County Chief gave the order during a meeting that brought together stakeholders from the transport sector such as the Matatu Owners Association (MOA) and officials from the National Transport and Safety Authority (NTSA).

“We will no longer allow disorder in the city” warned Governor Sakaja,

“Nairobi is the capital city. We are working round the clock to ensure this. That is why today, I have directed the removal of all wines and spirits shops located around matatu terminals,” he added

As a result of the unregulated opening of such joints in the capital, most lives had been compromised, others to the point of death.

“Drivers and Touts are spending time in these wines and spirits that have turned into bars and drinking dens as they wait for customers. We have lost loved ones due to recklessness on our roads because of alcohol and drug abuse.” charged the Governor
