Home NEWS County News Paralysed girl tries to beat odds through music, making jewellery

Paralysed girl tries to beat odds through music, making jewellery


More than 13-years ago, Monica Muthoni’s dreams were shuttered. Her world nearly came to a stop, she became depressed and dejected following a road accident that instantly claimed her brother and later her Father.

Then in form three, she suffered three-quarter paralysis in the same accident and developed bladder complications that she is trying to manage up to date.

At 32 years now, Muthoni has been a breadwinner in her condition trying to make ends meet- supporting herself and her mother, Eunike Njoki, who went blind after the accident and is currently losing her hearing ability.

After nearly a decade of suffering, she joined Wonders of God, a Self-help group that uses gospel music to tell their story of trials, tribulation, triumph and hope- where she draws her strength to move on and a reason to even dream bigger.

“Being a part of Wonders of God has been the best thing for me. The group has transformed my life because before I joined, I wasn’t a very social person,” narrates Muthoni.

She adds, “Due to my disability, I often found myself staying at home with nothing to do. However, after joining this group, I became more outgoing and active in society.”

Muthoni is currently the group’s secretary and responsible for organizing and planning for the group’s activities which she says has given her a sense of purpose, responsibility and pushes her to do her best everyday.

“This experience has really changed me as a person because now I have something to focus on. I no longer have too much time to overthink and get stressed out because there is so much organizing, calling members, and ensuring that all the activities are going well. It keeps me busy and occupied,” she explains.

Being part of the group has helped Muthoni gain access to financial support to meet her medical expenses, start a resins crafts business and make many other strides including serving God through music, she describes as a wholesome transformation.

At 32 years now, Muthoni has been a breadwinner in her condition trying to make ends meet- supporting herself and her mother, Eunike Njoki

Before the accident she used to be a dancer and when this was cut short she thought she would never do it again but now she is singing to glorify God despite the disability and struggles that come with it.

“Sharing the love of God in our struggles is something that I’ve learned not to take for granted. This experience has made me realize that it’s not about our limitations, but about what we can do,” she says.

In her resin crafts business, she also makes jewellery and bead works on key holders. She currently sells her wares to friends in her neighbourhood and  at saint Monica Catholic Parish where she attends spiritual nourishment services.

It is at this church that the group calls home and has offered them space to put up a water vending shop and bread distribution station as part of their contribution to supporting them.

Monica has a desire to expand her business into a physical shop so that she can generate enough funds to cover her medical expenses.

She and her mother require medical attention, which amounts to millions of shillings. Her bladder condition requires a surgery that will cost approximately Ksh 800,000. Additionally, her mother’s hearing aids will cost roughly Ksh 200,000.

Monica has been using a catheter for over 13 years, which has resulted in urinary bladder and bowel complications-This has led to urethra complications, making it difficult for her to use the catheter.

As a result, she needs to undergo a specialized bladder diversion surgery that would also require Monica to relocate from her current residence, where she has lived since 1999, due to the unsanitary conditions. After the accident, the land lord has been gracious enough to allow the two live in their Njiru house rent free.

In July 2019, when Muthoni’s mother was at work cooking githeri and selling charcoal, she suddenly felt a serious pain in her eyes. She had been using her phone under the sun and the reflection of light caused the pain. She went to the hospital and was given medication to clean her eyes.

Later, the mother went for a pressure review where she was advised to wear glasses and given medication. However, she soon stopped seeing clearly. By December of the same year, she lost sight in one eye, and in July 2020, she lost sight in both eyes.

Despite all her tribulations she sees a silver lining in the clouds and holds her head up high.

“There is hope if you believe and hold on to what God has for our lives. Regardless of what society says or talks about us, or says about disability, we should not be discouraged,” she says.

“This group has shown me that we are still people of value and can still serve God, society, and leave an impact in this world. The most important thing I’ve come to realize is that we can make an impact no matter how we are. This is the most important thing for me to know in my life, that through music, I can still make a positive impact. It’s a wonderful chance that God has given me.”

Muthoni continues to appeal to well wisher to support her, the mother and the group over their struggles.
