Home NEWS Local News SUPKEM opposes regulation of churches, wants religious crimes introduced

SUPKEM opposes regulation of churches, wants religious crimes introduced


The Supreme Council of Kenya Muslims has maintained that the state should not interfere with religious institutions noting that Kenya is a secular state.

SUPKEM has instead proposed the establishment of religious crimes that will be used to identify individuals who go against doctrines and who will then be punished according to the existing laws.

The council led by its chair Hasaan Ole Naado while making submissions before the Senate adhoc committee on the Shakahola deaths, also proposed the formation of faith caucuses by each religious umbrella to monitor and work with the government to identify religious radicalized teachings.

“We propose that every religious umbrella organisations to establish caucuses (doctrinal committees) of distinguished religious scholars within its leadership structures whose work would be to independently and expertly review teachings and preachings of respective religions,” said Naado

However, the Muslim Community blamed the state for what it termed as discrimination against the Islamic faith.

SUPKEM argued that security laws and policies on religious extremism had been applied selectively against Muslims hence the reason why it took long for security agencies to uncover the Paul Mackenzie led cult.

While calling for religious freedom, the leaders acknowledged the need for proper mechanisms to facilitate the same.

The Senate Adhoc Committee which is chaired by Tana River Senator Danson Mungatana is investigating the proliferation of religious organisations in Kenya after thousands of people starved to death under the teachings of controversial Pastor Paul Mackenzie.
