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Waiguru: Governors commit to weed out staff with fake certificates, reduce wage bill


Governors have committed to weed out staff with fake education certificates from public service and reduce wage bill in counties by 35 pc.

Council of Governor (COG) chair Anne Waiguru said the devolved units will conduct staff structure review for rationalization so as to increase productivity in public sector.

Waiguru who was giving her closing remarks during the Third National Wage Bill Conference held at Bomas in Nairobi, further said counties will get rid of all staff found to have been employed using fake education certificates.

“We commit that we will also review our staff structures to ensure that they are aligned with needs and also undertake review of education documents for staff working in County Governments. We also commit on behalf of all Governors, to weed out all individuals with fake certificates,” Waiguru said.

Waiguru said the relationship between various staff establishments and the optimal levels needed to offer the services must be reviewed for an informed decision making.

The Governor said there is need for a candid conversation on wages because if not checked, the country will not have funds available to grow the economy.

The Chair said reduction of wage bill from an average of 45 pc to revenue ratio in counties to 35 pc is achievable because there is commitment from the leadership.

“On behalf of my colleagues I would like to give a commitment on implementation of the main resolution of this conference of reducing the wage bill by 35 pc by 2027. We will endeavor to do that,” Waiguru added.

The Kirinyaga Governor said the two levels of Government must take deliberate action to reduce the wage bill so as to allow implementation of development projects for the growth of the nation.

While giving an example of Huduma Centre, where she was a key player, the COG chair said use of technology should be a continuous discussion and an action that every leader should embrace to help in the reduction of leakages of resources, facilitating higher collection of revenue, reduction of processes and human resources.

She said way of doing business in public service requires a total paradigm shift where productivity mainstreaming starts from the top and cascaded to the lowest levels.

The Chair said the two levels of government must implement tools and technologies for workflows and processes so as to enhance productivity in public service.

“The issue of productivity being key must cascade across even county governments, as County Governments, we commit to implement the resolutions arising from this Conference,” she added.

The Governor further emphasized on need to finalize costing and transfer of functions that have been devolved as well as the attendant resources so as to allow the devolved units execute their mandate.

She said the transfer of all devolved functions will come with additional requirements for human resource.

“Our desired outcome of this conference is to see the Wage bill go down. This is achievable. The current administration has given us the space to thrive. Let us take advantage and prove to the naysayers that indeed the Public service is the cornerstone of Service delivery,” the Governor said.

She said all raft of measures and strategies agreed upon to help in reducing the ballooning wage bill must continue to be implemented at all levels of Government to forestall a future economic crisis.


