Home NEWS County News NCDAK to Doctors: Resolve strike, return to frontlines

NCDAK to Doctors: Resolve strike, return to frontlines

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The Caucus of Patient-Led Organizations through the Non-Communicable Diseases Alliance Kenya (NCD Alliance Kenya) is appealing to both the Government of Kenya and the Kenya Medical Practitioners, Pharmacists, and Dentists Union (KMPDU) to resolve the ongoing doctors’ strike which is exacerbating the healthcare crisis in the country.

The strike is further intensifying the challenges faced by those living with non-communicable diseases (NCDs), which are already a major health burden in Kenya. Currently, NCDs account for 50pc of hospital admissions, 55pc of hospital deaths, and 33pc of total deaths nationwide, underscoring the urgent need for a resolution.

Executive Director at NCD Alliance Kenya, Dr. Catherine Karekezi said the strike poses a grave threat to the patients in hospitals.

“The continuation of this strike poses a grave threat to our patients, particularly those living with chronic conditions like diabetes, hypertension, cancer, mental disorders and cardiovascular diseases, who require continuing medical supervision,” she said.

Dr. Karekezi highlighted that it is crucial that both parties come back to the negotiating table with a willingness to find a middle ground.

A parent to an affected child Evans Majau, said it is incumbent upon all stakeholders to demonstrate leadership, compassion, and accountability in addressing the current healthcare crisis.

The NCD Alliance Kenya implores both the national umbrella body Government of Kenya and the KMPDU to prioritize the welfare of patients and heed the urgent call to end the doctor’s strike.
