Home Sports Athletics ADAK: Collaboration with stakeholders key in fight against doping

ADAK: Collaboration with stakeholders key in fight against doping


The success in the war against doping cannot be achieved by the Anti -doping Agency of Kenya (ADAK) alone hence the need for collaboration with other stakeholders.

Speaking to the media, ADAK’s Head of legal services Bildad Rogoncho noted that in the successes of prosecution of anti-doping rules,ADAK have established collaboration with the judiciary with the adjudication of doping cases  being handled by the Sports Dispute Tribunal.

“In fact, our systems where we have the judiciary giving us a platform is best in the world, the resource management panel and the hearing panel are both institutionally and operationally independent from international doping organizations,” he explained.

Rogoncho noted a successful collaboration with the Directorate of Criminal Investigation (DCI)  in busting those who present falsified medical documents in doping cases.Rogoncho also said they have a cordial working relationship with Athletics Integrity Unit (AIU).

“The hurdle that we have been facing is that we have rogue medical practitioners especially in the North Rift region who are aiding athletes in producing forged medical documents in the pretext that the athlete has consumed the banned substances because they were suffering from some ailments,” he said.”

He noted that one of the biggest challenges impeding the fight against doping is dishonest medical practitioners and suppliers who knowingly supply the banned substances to the athletes. The list reads of chemists and pharmacies involved in the scheme.

“We have joint operations with the Kenya Medical Practitioners Pharmacist Dentist Union (KMPDU) and pharmacists to apprehend those rogue medical practitioners,” said Rogoncho.

He revealed that they caught a rogue medic recently in Kapsabet through alliance with other medics, hence he called upon all stakeholders to support ADAK’s efforts of ridding the sport off cheats.

Report By Judy Too,KNA,Eldoret
