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MDG Party leader conducts delegates recruitment, convention tour in Kitale


Movement for Democracy and Growth (MDG) Party leader David Ochieng, embarked on a significant tour of Kitale, Transnzoia, as part of a comprehensive delegates recruitment and party convention effort.

The visit underscores the party’s commitment to expanding its grassroots network and reinforcing its political agenda.

During his address to the delegates, Ochieng who is also Ugenya Member of Parliament spoke candidly about the recent dissolution of the cabinet by President William Ruto.

He emphasized the importance of appointing competent and trained technocrats to the various dockets in the government moving forward.

“This is a pivotal moment for our country,” Ochieng stated. “We need leaders who are not only qualified but also dedicated to serving the interests of the people with integrity and expertise.”

Ochieng also took the opportunity to commend the youth for their active engagement and vocal opposition to the recent finance bill.

He acknowledged their concerns and urged them to continue expressing their views through peaceful demonstrations. “Our youth have shown remarkable courage and conviction,” Ochieng noted. “However, it is crucial that their protests remain peaceful and constructive.”

In his speech, Ochieng also addressed the ongoing calls for dialogue between President Ruto and opposition leader Raila Odinga.

He expressed his belief that such dialogue is unnecessary, emphasizing that the focus should instead be on implementing effective policies and addressing the immediate needs of the citizens.

“The time for talking is over,” he declared. “We must now concentrate on action and solutions that will benefit our nation.”

The tour in Kitale, Transnzoia, was marked by enthusiastic participation from local delegates and supporters.

Ochieng’s message resonated strongly with the attendees, who expressed their commitment to the MDG party’s vision and goals.
