Home NEWS Local News Interior CS :Govt won´t tolerate use of excessive force on demonstrators

Interior CS :Govt won´t tolerate use of excessive force on demonstrators


Interior Cabinet secretary Kithure Kindiki has cautioned police officers against using brutal force when handling peaceful demonstrators.

According to Kindiki the use of excess force by a few police officers during such situations will not be tolerated.  

He was speaking while in Tharaka nithi during a security baraza with residents.  

Last week the opposition held anti-government demonstrations during the Saba Saba commemoration.

During the demonstrations Police fired teargas and used water cannons to prevent the demonstrators from accessing the Central Business District after they left Kamukunji grounds where they had been addressed by Azimio leader Raila Odinga.

The demonstrations which were also held  in several parts of the country resulted to the deaths  of more than four  people.

On Saturday morning police lobbed tear gas canisters to disperse a section of activists who had converged at Central Police station.

The activists were at the police station to enquire on the status of the 75 protesters who were arrested Friday following the Saba Saba protest.

Led by former Chief Justice Willy Mutunga, the Kenya Human Rights Commission stated that only 26 of the 75 have been processed awaiting arraignment on Monday.

This comes as Azimio leader Raila Amolo Odinga has called on his supporters to show up once again on Wednesday for a fresh round of protest against the Finance Act 2023.
