Home NEWS Local News Jackie Maribe, Joseph Irungu to know fate on October 6th

Jackie Maribe, Joseph Irungu to know fate on October 6th


Justice Grace Nzioka of the High Court has two and a half months to analyze critically and give a judgment on the death of business woman Monica Kimani who was brutally murdered in 2018.

This is after the State Prosecutor and defense lawyers put their best feet forward to defend their clients during their final submissions before the court retires to bring a Judgment on 6th October 2023.

In her final submissions, Prosecuting counsel Gichui Gikui urged the Court to find and hold that former Television broadcaster Jackie Maribe and her boyfriend Joseph Irungu were indeed involved in the murder of the businesswoman Monica Kimani.

Gichui said that the gun that was used in the murder was produced before the court and even the DNA report showed that the blood stains obtained from Irungu indeed matched that of the deceased.

However, Maribe’s lawyer Katwa Kigen told the judge that the prosecution did not adduce evidence linking her to Monica’s death.

Elsewhere, four people who were found guilty of murdering a former Venezuelan ambassador to Kenya and convicted each of them to 20 years in jail.

Dwight Sagaray, Ahmed Omido, Alex Sifuma and Moses Kiprotich will serve the sentence after the trial Judge Justice Roselyn Korir ruled that the offences that the four committed were serious.

The four are said to have murdered Olga Fonseca Jimenez at her residence in Runda.

The Judge said that the sentence will start running from 23rd January 2023.

Finally, a human rights activist Julius Kamau and 10 minors who were arrested on Wednesday during the anti-government protests have been set free.

According to the prosecution, the activist had chained himself and police were yet to establish his motive for it before preferring criminal charges against him.

The prosecuting counsel told trial magistrate Ben Mark Ekhubi that they had no charges against the suspects and should therefore be set free.

The court was also told that Kamau has been a victim of police brutally since the year 2007.

Reporting by Ruth Wamboi
