Home Sports Football Ababu lauds President Ruto for delivering Embu stadium in time

Ababu lauds President Ruto for delivering Embu stadium in time


The Cabinet Secretary for Sports Ababu Namwamba has hailed the ruling Kenya Kwanza administration led by President William Ruto for delivering Moi stadium which hosted Madaraka Day Celebrations on Thursday June 1 in Embu County.

Speaking to Press on Wednesday, Ababu noted that the completion of the facility which has five VIP lounges, including a presidential-level and deputy-presidential section is in line with the ruling regime’s agenda of fast-tracking sports infrastructure in the country.

New look Moi stadium in Embu County

“We are very happy in how this project has been undertaken in a record 15 weeks for Ksh476 million. We have been able to completely transform the face of this facility,” Ababu stated.

“In those 15 weeks we have been able to redo the playing surface fitted with a pop irrigation technology. We have been able also to do terraces around the field with a capacity of 9,500 seats. We have identified extra spaces to extend that capacity to 15,000,” the CS added.

Earlier this year,Namwamba ordered for an audit of all stadiums under refurbishment by his ministry, adding that it was shameful that the country was spending millions of money on upgrading stadiums, yet there was no meaningful progress.

The CS said he had written a letter to the auditor general, asking for an audit on all the recently constructed stadiums across the country.

This was after he toured Moi Stadium which was under construction he claimed the contractor was delivering shoddy work and that the project was not commensurate with the amount that the government had appropriated to put up the stadium.

“It is a big shame for one to claim a contract to build a stadium that cost Sh180 million only to do a job that does not match the amount of money allocated,” he noted.

Kenya alongside other East African countries Uganda and Tanzania have submitted a bid dubbed ‘Pamoja Bid’ to the Confederations of African Football (CAF) seeking to host the Africa Cup of Nations (AFCON) in 2027.

President William Ruto said the submission is part of the Government’s plan to harness skills and talents.

He said the Government was keen on undertaking interventions that will make Kenya thrive in sports.

“We are focussed on harnessing the full potential of each sector for our prosperity.”

Appreciating Kenya’s rich sporting and creative talent, President Ruto explained that the sector has a potential to stimulate economic growth.

“This sector is a giant wellspring of opportunities. We will ensure we place Kenya on its rightful position as a sporting superpower.”

Some of the interventions that the President noted were being pursued are infrastructure development, enhanced monetisation of sporting talent and the reinstatement of Kenya’s football into good standing.

He added that a long-term intervention will be the attraction of premier international sports and athletics events to Kenya.

“This will stimulate local sports, promote tourism, create employment and enhance our national sporting and athletic brand.”

Apart from Moi Sports Centre Kasarani and Nyayo National Stadium in Nairobi, a majority of sporting facilities outside the capital have not been in good state and do not meet International FIFA standards
