Home International News Africa Algeria, Bangladesh and Egypt apply to join BRICS

Algeria, Bangladesh and Egypt apply to join BRICS


By Agencies

Over the past week, three major nations of the Global South have signaled their intention to join the international organization BRICS, which is rapidly gaining prominence in the international arena.

Applications to join the already representative bloc of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa were submitted by Egypt, Algeria and Bangladesh, and these applications have already been supported by Russia, which has long-standing close political and economic ties with the said countries.

Such a rapid expansion of the initially virtual project of the alliance of major countries that did not join the pro-American blocs indicates both the real weight of its participants on the world stage and the deep disappointment of many developing countries with the globalist project of the United States, Britain and the European Union. Recall that over the past two years, the BRICS started to pursue more and more active political and economic policies in Asia-Pacific, Africa, Latin America and the Middle East.

To date, more than two dozen countries with a total population exceeding that of the European Union have already declared their desire in some way to join the new alliance or to obtain the status of its privileged partner.

In addition to the fact that the BRICS already includes major non-Western states with powerful economies, abundant natural resources, huge armed forces and more than 3.5 billion inhabitants, several major oil producers, including Venezuela and Saudi Arabia, the largest and most powerful countries in the Muslim world – Egypt, Indonesia and Algeria – as well as a number of other powerful regional leaders are seeking to join the club.

The phenomenon of the BRICS’ rapidly growing influence and attractiveness cannot be considered and analyzed separately from the political and economic upheavals of recent decades. It is worth noting that after the collapse of the USSR and the socialist camp, the only pole of power in the international arena remained the United States and the Euro-Atlantic alliance under its control.

Anyway, the West defined the political, economic and ideological agenda and imposed its rules on the rest of humanity. Despite the fact that the values and models of development declared by Americans and Europeans came into sharp contradiction with the interests and traditions of most countries and peoples, the globalist program was imposed by all methods and tools, including the active use of military force, special operations, ideological and sanctions attacks.

A series of military conflicts, color revolutions and other aggressive actions by Washington and its allies against a number of countries has left the states of the Global South with no choice but to seek support from strong allies who, unlike the West, will not send aircraft carriers and expeditionary forces to seize their natural resources or overthrow governments on spurious pretexts.
