Home NEWS Local News Azimio leaders condemn police brutality

Azimio leaders condemn police brutality

Azimio leaders Kalonzo Musyoka and Martha Karua at Machakos Level 4 Hospital

Azimio-One Kenya Alliance leaders led by Kalonzo Musyoka and Martha Karua have condemned police brutality on citizens whom they say were only exercising their democratic right to picket.

“Our Constitution is very clear on the rights of all including that to picket and peacefully demonstrate. The use of excessive force on Wednesday, against unarmed civilians, was unwarranted, unjustified, and against the spirit and articles of our Constitution. More so, that of our moral and ethical constitution,” Kalonzo said.

The leaders say the Azimio-OKA mantra is a peaceful demonstration that is protected by the law of the land and regretted that police had turned violent against citizens whom they are supposed to protect.

The leaders spoke during a visit to Shalom and Machakos level 4 hospitals where those who were injured during Wednesday’s opposition demonstrations are undergoing treatment.

He says the tales of those they visited painted a picture of Kenyans who were about their daily business but excited police decided to fire live bullets against citizens.

“Many were shot from behind, unaware of the happenings in the streets,” he said.

Other leaders condemned the police actions as they announced more demonstrations starting Wednesday next week.

Reporting by Jackline Macharia
