Home NEWS County News CDA scales up its development agenda for sustainable growth

CDA scales up its development agenda for sustainable growth


The Coast Development Authority (CDA) is scaling up its development programmes as it seeks to improve socio-economic well-being of those living in the region.

 The Regional Authority is also aligning its socio-economic activities in the Coast region to the Bottom-Up Economic Transformation Agenda (BETA) plan, championed by the National government, to be in tandem with the government agenda on food security.

CDA Managing Director (MD), Dr. Mohamed Keinan, says the Authority is investing in economic programmes, as well as boosting transformational agricultural, water and maritime activities in the coastal counties of Kwale, Kilifi, Lamu, Taita Taveta, and Tana River.

Dr. Keinan says development projects in the coastal counties are being aligned to the government’s five-point BETA plan, which is President William Ruto’s focal point in ensuring his Administration delivers its pre-election pledges to Kenyans.

The BETA Plan focuses on Agricultural Transformation and Inclusive Growth; Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs); Housing and Settlement, Healthcare, Digital Superhighway and the Creative Industry.

He says CDA is also rehabilitating areas surrounding the 20 billion shillings Mwache Multipurpose Dam project, which seeks to help tackle persistent water shortages in Kwale, Mombasa and Kilifi Counties.

CDA has constructed gabions and installed markers and stakes around the banks of the dam site, to prevent local farmers from exploiting the riparian land

Mwache Dam is an 87.5-meter-tall concrete gravity dyke, holding 118 million cubic meters of water for supply and irrigation and is expected to boost the water supply for Kwale, and Mombasa counties.

Dr. Keinan says the Mwache Dam project is part of the Second Phase of the Water Security and Climate Resilience programme, which focuses on the coastal counties of Mombasa and Kwale.

Construction of the Mwache Dam project, is meant to harness the floodwaters from Mwache River Basin in Kinango Sub-County and help tackle persistent water shortages in the coastal region.

“CDA is committed to improving the social and economic well-being of residents in the coastal region through strategic initiatives and collaborative partnerships and our focus is on fostering sustainable development, creating opportunities, and enhancing the quality of life for all,” he said.

CDA MD says the Authority is actively engaging stakeholders in raising awareness on the importance of riparian conservation, to promote social and economic development in the region.

According to Keinan, climate volatility is leading to decreased crop yields, food insecurity, and malnutrition, hence the need for CDA to support climate-resilient and sustainable agriculture.

“CDA has prioritized food security programs to help combat poverty among local communities striving to create a sustainable and inclusive environment, where everyone has equal opportunities to thrive,” says Dr. Keinan.

Director Planning and Research at CDA, Dr. Geoffrey Rono says the Authority is now shifting its focus on livestock feedlots, to boost beef production, the fruit-tree program and the blue economy sector.

Muhidin Musa, a local marine conservationist, contends that the coral reefs in the Indian Ocean have degraded over the years due to unsustainable fishing activities and climate change.

Musa, a member of the Wasini Beach Management Unit says threats to oceans are exacerbated by climate change, over-fishing, waste dumping and uncontrolled coastal development.

He says the corals are incredibly important for fish, lobsters and invertebrates and welcomed the coral restoration programme championed by CDA.

Galole farmers’ cooperative chairman in Tana River County Hussein Alibichho says the Hola integrated fruit processing factory is helping local farmers to process their fruits, create employment opportunities and increase their income.


