Home NEWS International News CMG launches event for global participation to share stories about China

CMG launches event for global participation to share stories about China


China Media Group (CMG) launched an event on Friday, inviting global participation to share exclusive stories about China.

Titled “Written in the Sky: My China Story,” the event urges individuals worldwide, with diverse backgrounds and experiences in China, to recount their captivating stories, fond memories and inspiring moments. This initiative commemorates the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China.

Participants are encouraged to submit their stories in various formats, including articles, photographs, short videos or creative posters. Selected submissions will have the opportunity to be showcased on a CMG TV show. The event aims to promote a global dialogue celebrating the enduring connections between individuals and China.

The event is open for submissions until August 31, 2024, and participants can email their videos to cctv4zgylc@163.com.
