Home NEWS County News Criminal gang terrorising Homa Bay residents warned

Criminal gang terrorising Homa Bay residents warned

Homa Bay County Commissioner Moses Lilan has issued a stern warning to crime gangs resurging in the county, vowing to take firm action against them.
Addressing the public at the Pap Kalang’o Sports Ground in Rangwe town, Lilan emphasized his commitment to preventing the resurgence of criminal activities that could hinder the county’s progress.
He urged the community to focus on development activities rather than regressing into lawlessness.
This comes days after a 32-year-old bodaboda rider was killed by gangsters who robbed him of his motorbike and two mobile phones and then raped his wife at Got Rateng’ village in Lambwe East.
The gangsters reportedly raided Jacob Osore’s house at 4 a.m. on Tuesday, attacking him with a panga, which left him unconscious, and then raped his wife, who had given birth five days before the incident.
The heinous act infuriated residents, leading to a mob man-hunting the suspects and lynching three individuals.
Additionally, a fortnight ago, a secondary school teacher was speared to death and his motorbike stolen, just days after the murder of a bouncer in Oyugis town.