Home NEWS County News CS Nakhumicha meets Governors ahead of UHC roll out

CS Nakhumicha meets Governors ahead of UHC roll out


Health Cabinet Secretary Nakhumicha S. Wafula on Thursday met the Council of Governors (CoG) Health Committee to deliberate on a set of bills crucial for supporting the implementation of Universal Health Coverage (UHC), a cornerstone of the Bottom-Up Economic Transformation Agenda (BETA).

Led by Committee Chairman and Tharaka Nithi county Governor Muthomi Njuki,the county bosses affirmed their support to the national government in its quest to working with devolved units to realise affordable healthcare.

Nakhumicha hailed the collaboration between the two levels saying it’s a step in the right direction ahead of launching of UHC.

She underscored her commitment to ensure that there is focused consultation between her Ministry and the County Governments in successful delivery of devolved health function.

“The collaboration between the Council of Governors and the Ministry of Health is key to improving service delivery in the health sector.Working closely with the Council of Governors, I envision us sustaining the gains made, while quickly and amicably resolving pending and emerging issues within the outlaid consultative frameworks, and sometimes, ad hoc interactions,” said the CS

During the end of last year, the CoG called for collaboration in order to improve service delivery in the health sector to ensure that the transition is well managed.

“The new administration has committed to building on the successes and achievements made in the preceding years to deliver on the devolution dream of bringing services closer to the people. We are also aware that we take up the mantle at a time when as a country we are having serious conversations around the sustainability of health financing in light of the declining donor support. County Governments together with the MoH, therefore, need to initiate the processes of managing the transition in specific health system pillars such as Human Resources for Health among others.” noted Muthomi Njuki

Today’s meeting is part of the ongoing program where Ministry of Health (MoH) officials have been meeting various stakeholders to give their views on the proposed Universal Health Coverage bills.

They include the Social Health Insurance Bill 2023, the Digital Health Bill 2023, the Primary Healthcare Bill 2023 and the Facility Improvement Financing Bill 2023.

Medical Services PS Harry Kimtai reiterated the government’s commitment to accelerate the attainment of UHC.

“UHC aims at ensuring that all Kenyans access and receive essential quality health services without suffering financial hardship.In the plan, several interventions have been identified towards the delivery of UHC. They include provision of a fully funded primary healthcare comprising of promotive, preventive, curative and rehabilitative services.” remarked Kimtai during his meeting with media partners

Others who attended the meeting include CoG Chairperson and Kirinyaga Governor Ann Waiguru,Busia Governor Paul Otwoma,Hillary Barchok from Bomet,his counterparts from Kericho and Vihiga Dr Erick Mutai and Wilbur Ottichilo respectively.

President William Ruto has remained committed towards UHC even as his administration goes beyond the traditional delivery of health services as a public good through a new funding plan that has been opened up to accommodate more partners.
