Home International News Africa Diplomatic delegation in Laâyoune: a strong signal for Moroccan unity

Diplomatic delegation in Laâyoune: a strong signal for Moroccan unity

Morocco demonstrates its solidarity and commitment to the African continent, through its commitment to UN peacekeeping missions and large-scale medical assistance.


A high-level diplomatic delegation, comprising permanent representatives of 14 countries to the United Nations and international organizations in Geneva, arrived in the capital of the southern provinces on Sunday for a four-day visit to Laâyoune and a two-day visit to Dakhla.

The aim of the visit is to take a close look at the socio-economic, political and human rights situation in the region.

During their stay, the delegates will meet with various local officials and visit key development projects in the region, including academic, medical and cultural institutions, as well as sports and tourism facilities.

The visit will enable members of the UN delegation to see the socio-economic development and human rights initiatives in Morocco’s southern provinces.

It also confirms the support of its member states for Morocco’s territorial unity and sovereignty over its southern provinces.

The visit is a response to King Mohammed VI’s royal vision and international initiative to facilitate Sahel countries’ access to the Atlantic Ocean, and follows Morocco’s ongoing efforts to make the African continent prosperous and united.

Morocco not only promotes development within its own borders but also extends its momentum and support to its African neighbors.

Morocco demonstrates its solidarity and commitment to the African continent, through its commitment to UN peacekeeping missions and large-scale medical assistance.

The diplomatic delegation will also examine the reality of human rights in the region, away from the malicious propaganda of opponents of Morocco’s territorial unity.

To this end, it will hold a meeting focusing purely on human rights with the Chairman of the Regional Human Rights Commission in Laâyoune-Sakia El Hamra.

The diplomatic delegation will then embark on a tour of several major development projects and worksites in the city of Laâyoune.

This will give members of the delegation an opportunity to see the development that has taken place in the capital of Morocco’s southern provinces.

The delegation will also take an interest in tourism and sports.

The visit will also last two days in Dakhla, with the aim of closely examining the socio-economic, political and human rights situation in the region.

It is worth noting that Morocco emerges as a model of development and cooperation in Africa.

With its commitment to cultural identity, sustainable development, and regional cooperation, the country paves the way for a future of progress and shared prosperity for all.
